Aveyla Manta Village

At Aveyla Manta Village, where affordable luxury meets village charm. We offer all the creature comforts of a larger chain, whilst maintaining a rustic, authentic feel. Built in 2014, Aveyla is deeply invested in minimising its impact on the environment and as such all our electricity comes from solar sources.
Located on a tropical island at the heart of the Maldives’ only UNESCO marine biosphere reserve, our beachfront hotel is ideally situated to experience the very best of what this country has to offer. Spectacular marine encounters, breathtaking palm-lined beaches and an authentic island experience combine to make your stay here truly unforgettable. Exotic, secluded and tantalising, Aveyla is one of the last spots on earth where you can truly get away from it all.
At Aveyla, our passion is to exceed expectations; our philosophy is to seize the adventure. These both get wrapped into our mission to provide a five-star experience without the five-star price tag. What’s more, all our staff members are handpicked and highly trained in the hotel’s service and safety standards. The result? The holiday of a lifetime and memories that last forever.